EERI is pleased to announce that the 2021 Graduate Student Paper Award has been awarded to “Agent-based model for post-earthquake housing recovery," Earthquake Spectra Vol. 37, No. 1, pp. 46-72, by Rodrigo Costa, Terje Haukaas, and Stephanie Chang. The award recognizes a paper published in Earthquake Spectra that has a graduate student as the first author. According to the award citation, "the authors combined a rigorous quantitative framework with the important societal goal of modeling and mitigating loss of housing following major earthquakes. The paper would be of interest to a broad audience and, despite describing an in-depth study with many facets, was broken up into well-organized components that enable the reader to understand how the various research components were aggregated to form a coherent, important addition to the body of literature in earthquake engineering and social science."
Rodrigo Costa is a post-doctoral scholar at the Stanford Urban Resilience Initiative. Rodrigo’s research examines how communities' physical, economic, and social systems interact to exacerbate disaster risk and further socioeconomic and racial inequalities. Rodrigo works at the interface between engineering and social sciences. Outside of his academic research, he collaborates with emergency managers, urban planners, resilience officers, and insurance companies to further understanding of disaster risks. Rodrigo’s goal is to inform targeted interventions to reduce disaster impacts, accelerate recovery, and ensure that all of society participates in the benefits. Rodrigo holds a Ph.D. in Earthquake Engineering from the University of British Columbia, and a master’s and an undergraduate degree in engineering from Brazil.
The honorable mentions for the 2021 Graduate Student Paper Award are:
- Mohamad M Hallal (M.EERI 2020) and Brady R Cox (M.EERI 2004), "An H/V geostatistical approach for building pseudo-3D Vs models to account for spatial variability in ground response analyses Part I: Model development," Earthquake Spectra Vol. 37, No. 3, pp. 2013-2040.
- Irene Alisjahbana (M.EERI 2020) and Anne Kiremidjian (M.EERI 1976), "Modeling housing recovery after the 2018 Lombok earthquakes using a stochastic queuing model," Earthquake Spectra Vol. 37, No. 2, pp. 587-611.
For more information about the Graduate Student Paper Award, visit the EERI competitions page here.