The EERI Northern California Chapter instituted an award for “Innovation and Exemplary Practice in Earthquake Risk Reduction” in 2003. The purpose and procedures for this award is described in the February 11, 2003 minutes of the Board of Directors:
“President Yanev described possible categories of awards, eligible organizations and individuals, procedures for nominations and the names of the awards. The Board discussed several possibilities and agreed to give two annual awards, one to an individual, and one to an organization.
The Board agreed to approve two annual awards and to have the Awards Committee revise the protocols for selecting recipients. The awards would be given to an individual and/or an organization at a meeting of the Chapter membership in recognition of innovation or exemplary practice. The awards would be suitable certificates.”
Past award recipients are:
Individual: Dr. Jack Boatwright, United States Geological Survey (posthumous award)
Organization: EERI Public Policy and Advocacy Committee
Individual: Dr. Stephen Mahin, UC Berkeley Professor Emeritus
Organization: San Francisco Chronicle Editorial Board and Staff
Individual: Patrick Otellini, Chief Resilience Officer, City and County of San Francisco
Individual: Craig D. Comartin, CDComartin, Inc
Organization: San Francisco Public Utilities Commission Water System Improvement Program
Individual: Marjorie Greene, Special Project Manager, Earthquake Engineering Research Institute
Organization: Private Schools Earthquake Safety Working Group of the Earthquake Safety Implementation Program, City and County of San Francisco (Project Chair Laura Samant accepting)
Individual: Frank L. Rollo, Treadwell & Rollo, Inc.
Organization: California Earthquake Authority (accepted by Bruce Patton, Director of Policy, Research and Special Projects)
Individual: Susan Garcia, Public Information Specialist, Earthquake Hazards Program, U.S. Geological Survey
Organization: The University of California, Berkeley for its Seismic Action Plan for Facilities Enhancement and Renewal (SAFER) and its Disaster Resistant University program (Associate Vice Chancellor Rob Gayle accepting)
Individual: Laurence Kornfield, Special Assistant to the City Administrator for Earthquake Safety Implementation, City and County of San Francisco
Organization: East Bay Municipal Utility District Seismic Improvement Program (David Pratt accepting)
Individual: Gregory McFann, City of Alameda Chief Building Official
Organization: Bay Area Rapid Transit Earthquake Safety Program (Tom Horton accepting)
Individual: Oakland City Councilwoman Jean Quan and Policy Analyst Susan Piper
Organization: San Francisco Planning and Urban Research Association (Sarah Karlinsky and Chris Poland accepting)
Individual: Dan Shapiro
Organization: City of Fremont (Massoud Abolhoda accepting)
Individual: Mary Lou Zoback
Individual: Marguerite Bello
Individual: David Bonowitz
Organization: City of Berkeley
Individual: Zan Turner
Organization: Association of Bay Area Governments Earthquake Program
Individual: Christopher Rojahn
Organization: City of Portola Valley
66 Franklin Street, Suite 300
Oakland, CA, 94607
Phone: 510-451-0905
Fax: 510-451-5411
Email: eeri@eeri.org
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