

Procedures for Student Chapter Program Requests

  • The 2024-2025 FFVP Program application is now open! Click here to apply. Applications are due Monday, November 18, 2024 at 11:59pm Pacific Time.

Requirements for Host Universities

  • Once the professional has been confirmed, your chapter should contact the visiting professional directly to confirm specific date and details for their visit.
  • Recommend lodging and offer to assist with travel logistics for the visiting professional.  Note that the visiting professional should pay for all lodging and travel expenses, as they will submit a reimbursement to EERI FFVP Program for these costs.  Student Chapters are not required to pay for these items, unless they can contribute from additional cost-share funding they have acquired for this purpose.
  • Consider offering to provide local transportation for the visiting professional, if reasonably possible.
  •  Arrange for an itinerary/agenda for the visit. Most visiting professionals will have a full day to spend at your university, so please make the most of the opportunity be scheduling a variety of activities in addition to the lecture.  For a list of ideas, see the section below.
  • Send background materials to the visiting professional before the visit that provide information on the program and topics currently being studied. This will help them tailor their lecture with examples from professional practice to relate to current course work at your university.
  • Advertise the visit to both students and faculty at your university so that they can participate in the various activities planned.
  • Upon completion of the visit, submit an electronic report, including pictures if available, to EERI for the EERI web site and the EERI Newsletter.

There is no financial obligation to the host university, although universities are encouraged to host a meal for the visiting professional, faculty and students. Should the host university wish to share in covering lodging or other costs, this would be most welcome and would further extend the resources available in the program. EERI will reimburse the visiting professional’s expenses not covered by the Chapter.

Activity Ideas for Host Universities

Visiting professionals are encouraged to dedicate a full day to your university, so please make the most of your professional’s time and experience.  When planning the itinerary/agenda for your visiting professional, considering the following activity ideas:

  • Lecture by the Visiting Professional (required). This lecture is most commonly hosted in one of two ways: (1) The student chapter can schedule a separate stand-alone talk(s) unrelated to specific courses; or (2) The host university faculty can consider relinquishing a teaching period(s) to the lecture by the visiting professional. An additional option to achieve engagement in courses is to consider using the visiting professional to conduct reviews in design studios and other hands-on classes.
  • Meeting with the student chapter leadership from this year (and next year's leaders if possible).
  • Meeting with faculty members as a group or with selected individuals.
  • Tour of campus with Visiting Professional, especially departments or labs related to EERI disciplines.
  • Informal meeting with department graduate students (soon to be graduating) for career guidance.
  • Informal meetings with undergrad students in courses/classes, EERI Seismic Design Competition team, and/or other project teams for project review, presentation, and discussion.
  • Informal meeting with graduate students where they present, share and discuss research projects to get insight and feedback from visiting professional.
  • Social Activities, such as lunch or dinner with student chapter and/or faculty at local restaurant.
  • Anything unique to your university or chapter that you think would be appropriate. 

Procedures for Visiting Professionals

  • Include the “About EERI” slides at the beginning of your presentation.
  • Prepare appropriate lectures (and written materials if appropriate).
  • Be willing to participate in discussions with the students.
  • Encourage students to ask questions freely.
  • Be willing to review work with individual graduate or undergraduate students.
  • Make your own travel arrangements, using EERI policy guidelines.
  • Upon completion of your trip, use EERI’s reimbursement form, attach all your receipts and mail it to the EERI office.
  • Send a report or copy of your lecture, including pictures if available, to EERI in electronic format.
  • Complete the short electronic feedback survey after your visit. This survey will be sent to you via email by EERI staff.

Limited funds are available from the Friedman Family gift to reimburse the visiting professional’s travel and per diem expenses. It is our goal to maximize the existing funds to allow us to send out as many professionals as possible. We encourage you to make use of other resources where available and try to combine travel for EERI with other business. In lieu of reimbursement, travel and per diem expenses can be treated as a charitable, tax-deductible contribution to EERI. Visit EERI’s Reimbursement Form and Procedures web page for details on travel reimbursement details.

Virtual Visit Best Practices

Certain circumstances may require a university's visit to be virtual. Host Universities should refer to this short best practices document to make the most of their virtual visit. Host Universities should provide their own video conferencing service, such as Zoom, to host their lecture and other visit activities.


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