How to Start an EERI Student Chapter

How to Start an EERI Student Chapter

How to start a Student Chapter at your college or university

  1. Gather interest at your university to create a chapter.
  2. Review the Student Chapter Authorization and Regulations for details on relevant requirements and what needs to be included in your application.
  3. Submit a formal application using the online EERI Student Chapter Application Form. Make sure to upload a single pdf document to the application form with the following items included:
    • Cover letter to EERI stating the Chapter qualifications.
    • A letter confirming university endorsement.
    • A list of the proposed Faculty Advisor(s) and Contact Member(s).
    • A list of at least six (6) active EERI student members and proposed Chapter Officers.
  4. Wait for formal approval of your Student Chapter from EERI.


Once your chapter is approved

  1. Start launching chapter activities! During the first year of establishment of your Chapter, you should:
    • Establish rules and elect officers. Send EERI your list of officers once ready, or when you send your annual report.
    • Review Chapter Best Practices for good ideas about chapter activities and governance.
    • Send EERI an annual report about chapter activities by June 1st. You can view the report template with the required information at the Annual Report Submission web page.
  2. To remain in good standing, be sure to read and understand the Student Chapter Authorization and Regulations.



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