How to start a Student Chapter at your college or university
- Gather interest at your university to create a chapter.
- Review the Student Chapter Authorization and Regulations for details on relevant requirements and what needs to be included in your application.
- Submit a formal application using the online EERI Student Chapter Application Form. Make sure to upload a single pdf document to the application form with the following items included:
- Cover letter to EERI stating the Chapter qualifications.
- A letter confirming university endorsement.
- A list of the proposed Faculty Advisor(s) and Contact Member(s).
- A list of at least six (6) active EERI student members and proposed Chapter Officers.
- Wait for formal approval of your Student Chapter from EERI.
Once your chapter is approved
- Start launching chapter activities! During the first year of establishment of your Chapter, you should:
- Establish rules and elect officers. Send EERI your list of officers once ready, or when you send your annual report.
- Review Chapter Best Practices for good ideas about chapter activities and governance.
- Send EERI an annual report about chapter activities by June 1st. You can view the report template with the required information at the Annual Report Submission web page.
- To remain in good standing, be sure to read and understand the Student Chapter Authorization and Regulations.