EERI Oral History Program

EERI Oral History Program

The EERI Oral History program publishes interviews with prominent figures in the field of earthquake engineering to preserve the rich history of the development of the field. The events described in these oral histories span many kinds of activities: research, design projects, public policy, broad social aspects, and education, as well as interesting personal aspects of the subjects’ lives.

These reminiscences are a vital contribution to our understanding of where our current state of knowledge came from and how the overall goal of reducing earthquake losses has been advanced. Significant, even revolutionary, changes have occurred in earthquake engineering since individuals first began thinking in modern, scientific ways about how to protect construction and society from earthquakes. The Connections series helps document this important history. The EERI oral history program was initiated by Stanley Scott (1921-2002).

Learn more about the EERI Oral History Program here.

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Connections: EERI Oral History Series

The Connections downloadable full-length books present a selection of prominent individuals in earthquake engineering and earthquake resilience who provide insights into developments in the field. Learn more

Stanley Scott 1990

Interviews by Stanley Scott Series

Stanley Scott completed these interviews between 1986 and 1993 but was unable to publish them. The EERI Oral History Committee has edited and published these manuscripts posthumously. Learn more

Conversations with Earthquake Experts

The Conversations series are short focused interviews with experts focused on reducing earthquake risk and increasing earthquake resilience. Learn more


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Oakland, CA, 94607

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