

EERI’s professional development webinars covers a broad range of topics for the community of earthquake risk reduction professionals. You will hear about the latest impacts and lessons from recent earthquakes, learn about emerging research from Earthquake Spectra, and hear from leading experts on complex technical topics. Recordings from previous webinars can be found in the Digital Library and on EERI's YouTube Channel.

LFE/SSEER Webinar: Findings From Türkiye Follow-Up Reconnaissance Team

LFE SSEERTuesday, February 11, 2025

11:00 AM-12:30 PM PT


Join us for a joint webinar from EERI’s Learning From Earthquakes (LFE) program and the Social Science Extreme Events Research Network (SSEER) network. The webinar will share observations and findings from the EERI-SSEER reconnaissance team that traveled to Turkey in October 2024 to conduct follow-up reconnaissance on the impacts of the February 6, 2023 Kahramanmaras Earthquake Sequence. The team members, Michael Mieler, Burçak Başbuğ, Süleyman Çelik, Louise Comfort, Alpay Demiryurek, Ayse Hortacsu, Carlos Molina-Hutt, Sabine Loos, Halil Sezen, and Egemen Sönmez, conducted reconnaissance on issues in recovery and resilience in the areas of employment, schools, and housing. The team also focused on capturing lessons that can inform the development of functional recovery codes and standards. Their report will be released in early February.

Confirmed Speakers:

  • Süleyman Çelik, Anadolu University
  • Burçak Başbuğ, Middle East Technical University
  • Egemen Sönmez, İzmir University of Economics
  • Carlos Molina Hutt, University of British Columbia
  • Michael Mieler, ARUP, Learning From Earthquakes Co-Chair (moderator)

LFE's ability to conduct reconnaissance over time to improve our understanding of earthquake recovery and resilience is made possible by the generous support of the many donors to the LFE Endowment Fund.

To register for this free webinar, you will need to sign into your account on EERI’s new member portal. If you haven’t yet reset your password to do so, view the instructions here.

Non-members can register for the webinar by creating a free my.eeri.org account using the “Sign Up” button on the upper right of the page here. Please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you have any questions about the process.

EERI members who attend the webinar will receive a one-hour PDH credit.

Oral History Webinar: Izzat (Ed) Idriss Interviewed By Ross Boulanger

Friday, October 18, 2024
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM Pacific Time

Join us for a free webinar highlighting the most recent publication from EERI's Connections Oral History series! The webinar will feature Dr. Izzat (Ed) Idriss, a pioneer in the field of geotechnical earthquake engineering. He will share recollections from his long career as an academic and engineering practitioner, which included major contributions to understanding soil sites and structures behavior and participation in in post-earthquake reconnaissance and investigation of several major earthquakes over the last 50 years. Dr. Idriss will be joined by Dr. Ross W. Boulanger, Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of California, Davis, and a longtime colleague and friend, who conducted the interviews for the oral history.

M7.4 Taiwan Earthquake of April 2024 Webinar Series

Thursday, September 5, 2024 (first session)
4:00 - 5:00 PM Pacific Time

Thursday, September 19, 2024 (second session)
4:30 - 5:30 PM Pacific Time


Join EERI next month for a series of two webinars examining the M7.4 earthquake that struck Taiwan earlier this year. Registering once for this series at the above link will allow you to attend both webinars.

The earthquake occurred on April 3 at 7:58 am local time offshore about 11 miles southwest of Hualien City, one of the largest population centers on the east coast (pop. 99,500). The rupture occurred on a northeast–southwest-striking, moderately dipping, reverse fault within the Eurasian Plate. The focal mechanism was reverse-faulting at a 15 km (9 mi) depth. It is the strongest earthquake in Taiwan since the 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake (M7.7). At least 20 people were killed and 1,100 injured, predominantly due to landslides rather than structural collapses. About 110 buildings were destroyed, including some 1,900 houses, and 870 buildings and 75 roads were damaged. While structural damage was reported across Taiwan's eastern and northern regions, it is remarkable that full structural collapses were rare. The earthquake also caused widespread power and water outages, and railway service was partially suspended across Taiwan. Around 800 landslides occurred, and a tsunami with maximum wave heights of 100 cm (40 in) was generated.

The first webinar, on Thursday September 5, is a Quick Quake Briefing hosted by EERI's Northern California chapter. Two speakers from the National Center for Research on Earthquake Engineering (NCREE) in Taipei will join us. Dr. Yu-Chen Ou, Director of NCREE, will present on damage to buildings and other infrastructure, and Dr. Che-Min Lin, Research Fellow of NCREE, will present on the seismology and recorded strong ground motions.

The second webinar, on Thursday September 19, will focus on functional recovery. Dr. Wei-sen Li of the National Science and Technology Center for Disaster Reduction will speak about the role of disaster risk reduction and emergency response in making Taiwan prepared for this earthquake, and Maria Mohammed, S.E. of Structural Focus will report on the findings of the EERI Housner Fellows group that traveled to Taiwan in May to conduct reconnaissance and test a new functional recovery data collection tool.

Earthquake Spectra Showcase: August 2024 Issue

Wednesday, August 28, 2024
1:00 - 2:00 PM Pacific Time

Join us for the latest in this EERI webinar series showcasing papers of interest from each new issue of Earthquake Spectra! This webinar will feature two papers from the August 2024 issue—the Editor's Choice selection "Regional-Scale Fault-to-Structure Earthquake Simulations with the EQSIM Framework: Workflow Maturation and Computational Performance on GPU-accelerated Exascale Platforms," and the research paper "Seismic Design of Concrete Structures for Damage Control."

Lead authors David McCallen and Eyitayo Opabola will present the papers and respond to questions from participants, and Spectra Associate Editor Carlos Molina Hutt will moderate the webinar.

Quick Quake Briefing: 2024 New Jersey M4.8 Earthquake of April 5, 2024

Tuesday, June 18, 2024
12:00-01:00 PM Pacific Time 

QQB NY EarthquakeThe EERI Northern California Regional Chapter is hosting a FREE webinar on the recent earthquake that affected the northeast United States. The earthquake struck mid-morning near Whitehouse Station, New Jersey, and was felt by over 40 million people all across the northeastern United States from Maine in the north to Washington, D.C. in the south. USGS classified the shaking as light (MMI < IV) throughout the region. The following link is to a New York City evening news summary. The New Jersey event was an intraplate earthquake, unlike those that occur in California that are near a plate boundary.  While this earthquake was relatively small, quakes of this magnitude are widely felt in the eastern United States because of the seismic wave propagation characteristics in the region.  Although New York City did not suffer significant damage (40 miles east of epicenter), the city emergency response systems were activated.


  • Oliver Boyd, Ph.D., Research Geophysicist, U.S. Geological Survey.  He will present on the earthquake mechanism and the seismology of the east coast region.

  • Yegal Shamash, PE, Chief Structural Engineer, NYC Department of Buildings.  He will present on the earthquake damage and emergency response actions.


66 Franklin Street, Suite 300
Oakland, CA, 94607

Phone: 510-451-0905
Fax: 510-451-5411
Email: eeri@eeri.org

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